Blog Archive

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Here I amended some of the leg geometry as I found her legs particularly flat and without many dimensions, so I used the vertex pull tool to create some detail for her knees. It was simple enough to do and I am not worried about any distortion in the texture as the movement was very small.

One of the main issues I have found in my method in creating hair was not only the placement of each strand intersecting with one another, (though, this appears to have been successful to the strands towards the front) but where from certain angles bald spots are visible. I made a duplicate version of my characters head, and deleted some of the geometry to create a 'cap'. I then textured this using the hair texture. As a result, any skin showing is now hidden by the hair cap. In future, I would definitely create the hair in one piece unless using a hair rendering option, which mimics real strands of hair.

I also discovered a really interesting texture within the bag strap texture and will consider using it for wood or decorative objects in future.

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